The new Meek-HA website is currently under development. We have lots of exciting things lined up, so check back often as we work to bring you the latest Meek peripherals & home automation solutions, tools & information!
Control your light with the ease of a touch!
Wi-Fi enabled.
Full user control.
End September available for the early adopters.

Meek is a DIY project and the devices bare no CE or FCC certifications yet. Please make sure you read and understand the disclaimer before you place an order.

On our priority list, besides safety, affordability is a main driver and at the current development stage, we don’t have the resources to apply for a CE & FCC certification yet. As safety is the first and most important driver, during the entire design process, we adhered to operate within the regulatory limits, to deliver a safe and reliable product.
The Power Supply Unit used in the Meek switches, is the HLK-PM01. More information about this Power Supply Unit can be found at:
The ESP8266 certification:
- The FCC identifier is: 2AC7Z-ESP8266EX
- The CE opinion number is: TCF-1933CC14
DISCLAIMER: If you order or use this, you agree to – and understand that, the author is not liable for any injury or damage howsoever caused and that you use this device at your own risk. This is DIY and the author has not made any professional tests. This product has not been marked with any certification marks and can’t be guaranteed to compliance with any standards.